Ioan set up this activity for Cian, to kick off our Frog Day. Cian is 19 months and loves pom poms, and emptying and filling bowls.


  • Green pom poms
  • Toy frog
  • Bowls


Ioan always likes to sit with Cian, during the activities he’s planned. Cian took the frog out of the pom poms straight away.

He then started burying the frog in the second bowl. All day, we asked Cian what the frog says, just because his ribbit sound is so cute.

Cian returned to this activity after Ioan and Finn’s frog jelly rescue, so Ioan washed the jelly off the frogs and dried them for him.

DfES Outcomes for EYFS (2013)

Physical Development

Moving and handling (8 to 20 months)

  • Passes toys from one hand to the other.
  • Picks up small objects between thumb and fingers.


Shape, space and measures (16 to 26 months)

  • Enjoys filling and emptying containers.