I intended to take a picture with the boys every month and we’ve managed three in total. It can be really hard work getting them all looking at the camera, never mind smiling naturally. However hand them the big camera to take their own pictures and you can’t sop the grins!


  • Camera


They love taking pictures on the big camera. The photographs may be out of focus, but the happiness shines through.

Finn went first to get some pictures of me with my biggest boy.

Ioan took the next couple. Finny asked to wear his t-shirt that matched my top, along with his party hat.

They then each took one of me with Cian.

Liam managed to get a picture of all three of us, before Pilli had her turn to be photographed.

DfES Early Learning Goals (2017)

Understanding the world

ELG 15 – Technology:

Children recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools. They select and use technology for particular purposes.