Every year the boys have a Playmobil Advent Calendar to open. The excitement builds as we approach the 24th December and they get ready to play with a full set of characters. Last Christmas Eve they used packing peanuts to make a snowy tuff tray. They asked to make another Christmas scene again this year.
- Tuff tray
- Playmobil
- Packing peanuts
- Straw
- Grimm’s rainbow, semi-circles, circles and wave
- Disco ball
- Christmas lights
They used straw around their stable in Bethlehem and packing peanuts for the North Pole.
Ioan commented on how the disco ball and Christmas lights changed the feel of the North Pole. Finn said the blues and greens made it look icy and cold. They decided the reds and yellows made it look like a festive place for the elves to work.
DfES Early Learning Goals (2017)
Understanding the world
ELG 13 – People and communities:
Children talk about past and present events . They know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions.
ELG 14 – The world:
Children know about similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things. They talk about the features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another.