Both boys are fascinated by the work of the coastguard and lifeboats. This is further fuelled by the fact that my Mum volunteers in her local RNLI shop.


  • WOW toys: RNLI lifeboat, helicopter, RNLI quad bike and RNLI jet ski
  • Magnatiles
  • Grimm’s toys: stepped pyramid, building boards, concentric circles and flame
  • Painted wooden figures
  • Grapat loose parts


Ioan set this up and spent an hour doing rescue missions.

This was him talking through his lifeboat station.

DfES Early Learning Goals (2017)

Communication and language

ELG 03 – Speaking:

Children express themselves effectively, showing awareness of listeners’ needs. They use past, present and future forms accurately when talking about events that have happened or are to happen in the future. They develop their own narratives and explanations by connecting ideas or events.

Understanding the world

ELG 13 – People and communities:

Children talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members. They know that other children don’t always enjoy the same things, and are sensitive to this. They know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions.

ELG 14 – The world:

Children know about similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things. They talk about the features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another.

Expressive arts and design

ELG 17 – Being imaginative:

Children use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways, thinking about uses and purposes. They represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role-play and stories.