The boys had a letter from the Easter Bunny saying that he wouldn’t be delivering eggs on Easter Day yesterday, after a VERY early wake up. They had the chance to earn them back today and thankfully they did.
We were lucky to have gorgeous sunshine.
- Easter eggs hidden around the garden
- Easter books
Easter crafts hung in the tree:
- Lollipop stick puppets
- Tissue paper crafts
- Felt Easter egg decorations
- Easter bunny hand puppet
- Handprint chick
- Cotton wool printed lamb
The boys asked to leave some of their Easter crafts out for the Easter Bunny to see.
Once the Easter Bunny had visited, they followed the rabbit footprints around the garden to find the eggs.
Cian was able to join in with the hunt, with Daddy’s help.
The boys counted up their eggs and split them evenly, while Cian chilled on his mat.
After all the excitement of the Easter egg hunt, we had some calm time. We read some of the Easter books, Cian giggled away on his play mat, then Ioan and Finn did some Easter colouring in their teepee.
Early Years Foundation Stage
Understanding the world
People and communities
- Enjoys joining in with family customs and routines.