Cian couldn’t wait to join in with the aftermath of ‘Superworm’. He was squealing and reaching for the tray in anticipation.


  • Superworm by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler
  • Spaghetti
  • Jug of hot chocolate
  • Dried Horlicks


He was so engaged that he even sat in the bumbo without a fuss.

I finally managed to get a picture of his little tongue curl!

DfES Outcomes for EYFS (2013)

Communication and language

Listening and attention (Birth to 11 months)

  • Turns towards a familiar sound then locates range of sounds with accuracy.
  • Listens to, distinguishes and responds to intonations and sounds of voices.
  • Reacts in interaction with others by smiling, looking and moving.Quietens or alerts to the sound of speech.
  • Quietens or alerts to the sound of speech.


Speaking (Birth to 11 months)

  • Makes own sounds in response when talked to by familiar adults.
  • Practises and gradually develops speech sounds (babbling) to communicate with adults; says sounds like ‘baba, nono, gogo’.

Physical development

Moving and handling (Birth to 11 months)

  • Turns head in response to sounds and sights.
  • Gradually develops ability to hold up own head.
  • Makes movements with arms and legs which gradually become more controlled.
  • Reaches out for, touches and begins to hold objects.
  • Explores objects with mouth, often picking up an object and holding it to the mouth.

Personal, social and emotional development

Self-confidence and self-awareness (Birth to 11 months)

  • Laughs and gurgles, e.g. shows pleasure at being tickled and other physical interactions.
  • Uses voice, gesture, eye contact and facial expression to make contact with people and keep their attention.

Managing feelings and behaviour (Birth to 11 months)

  • Shows a range of emotions such as pleasure, fear and excitement.

Making relationships (Birth to 11 months)

  • Enjoys the company of others and seeks contact with others from birth.
  • Responds when talked to, for example, moves arms and legs, changes facial expression, moves body and makes mouth movements.
  • Recognises and is most responsive to main carer’s voice: face brightens, activity increases when familiar carer appears.