Today, they chose to learn about ladybirds. So, after picking their red outfits, we set off to try and hunt for some.


  • Magnifying glasses
  • Ladybird figures


Ioan, Finn and Cian used their magnifying glass to search in different types of habitats. They found lots of other types of beetles, but no ladybird.

Having been unsuccessful with their hunt, they sat down with their magnifying glasses to examine their ladybird figures.

Ioan then had the idea of pretending to toast marshmallows (pine cones), so sat on the log ‘eating them’ and reminding each other to blow on them because they were hot. They developed their role play further, when Finn decided they needed to build a campfire to sit around. Ioan taught them some of his songs from Beavers.

DfES Outcomes for EYFS and National Curriculum (2013)

Science Year 1 programme of study

Animals, including humans

  • identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals

DfES Early Learning Goals (2017)

Expressive arts and design

ELG 17 – Being imaginative:

Children use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways, thinking about uses and purposes. They represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role-play and stories.