After three weeks of none stop play, I’ve convinced them to tidy away their Toy Story world to make space for some different play.
- Aliens made by Finn
- Slinky Dog made by Ioan
- Handmade Forky’s
- Woody
- RC Car
- Mr and Mrs Potato Head
- Grimm’s large stepped pyramid
- Grimm’s building boards
- Magnatiles
- Paper
- Crayons
There have been hours and hours of open ended play with this set up. It’s become so much a part of the scenery that I barely thought to take any pictures or video.
I love watching them play alongside each other, each absorbed in their own story line.
Afterwards, Finn decided to make a magnatile house for Woody.
Ioan decided to do some independent writing.

DfES Early Learning Goals (2017)
ELG 10 – Writing:
Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.
Expressive arts and design
ELG 17 – Being imaginative:
Children use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways, thinking about uses and purposes. They represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role-play and stories.