The thought of getting out of the house with children often seems like a lot of effort. I know, when all three are happily playing, that the thought of starting the toilet run, hunting for missing gloves and rallying the troops seems exhausting. But, I don’t think we’ve ever regretted getting outdoors and having some exercise in the fresh air.
- Wellies
- Waterproofs
- Hats and gloves
This was all child led. We just followed the boy’s lead. They particularly enjoyed clambering, climbing and squeezing through gaps in the rocks. All great for developing gross motor skills.
It’s not a proper walk without jumping in puddles. Finn is an expert puddle-jumper and I encourage him to do as much splashing as he likes.. at the weekends when we’re not on the school run! Ioan is naturally more cautious, preferring to stay cleaner. He likes to just stand in the middle of a puddle and dance, preferably with stationary feet to avoid splashes.
They are also getting more adventurous with their balancing. Finn always remembers his ‘aeroplane arms’ from Tumble Tots.
DfES Early Learning Goals (2017)
Physical development
ELG 04 – Moving and handling:
Children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. They move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space.
ELG 05 – Health and self-care:
Children know the importance for good health of physical exercise, and a healthy diet, and talk about ways to keep healthy and safe.