Ioan made this dinosaur tray to accompany Finn’s dinosaur book display. I love seeing them set up activities for each other and watching the creative process unfold!


  • Tuff tray
  • Dinosaurs
  • Rainbow pebbles
  • Loose parts: shells, pebbles, carpet samples etc.
  • Fish tank plants
  • Silk scarves
  • Brown packing paper
  • Green school fleece


He started off by designing his different areas. For the volcano he used an upturned colander, with a silk scarf, held in place with red rainbow pebbles. His sandy area he lined with brown packing paper and scattered shells about. He used his school fleeces for a grassy area and a blue silk scarf for the water. He used carpet samples to separate his sand and grass.

As Ioan set this up, he told us which dinosaurs prefer being in the water (spinosaurus) and which preferred being on land. He set up nests for the tyrannosaurus rex and brachiosaurus eggs.

He talked about the ankylosaurus using it’s tail to smash rocks.

When he was finished, Ioan nervously asked Finn if he liked the tray he’d made for him. Finn shook his head sadly and said, “No, I don’t like it… I LOVE it!”

DfES Early Learning Goals (2017)

Communication and language

ELG 02 – Understanding:

Children follow instructions involving several ideas or actions. They answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about their experiences and in response to stories or events.

ELG 03 – Speaking:

Children express themselves effectively, showing awareness of listeners’ needs. They use past, present and future forms accurately when talking about events that have happened or are to happen in the future. They develop their own narratives and explanations by connecting ideas or events.

Personal, social and emotional development

ELG 06 – Self-confidence and self-awareness:

Children are confident to try new activities, and say why they like some activities more than others. They are confident to speak in a familiar group, will talk about their ideas, and will choose the resources they need for their chosen activities. They say when they do or don’t need help.

Understanding the world

ELG 14 – The world:

Children know about similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things. They talk about the features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another. They make observations of animals and plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes.