I left the scales out, alongside all their eggs, as an invitation to play.


  • Assortment of Easter eggs and chocolates
  • Kitchen weighing scales
  • Balance scales
  • Base ten set


Ioan spotted the scales first, so launched in to weighing the large purple Cadbury’s eggs. The first one he weighed was 100kg. He decided to compare it with a similar sized egg, with a different wrapper to see if they were the same weight, or different.

Next he moved on to the giant egg. He could see the dial was between 400 and 500, but wasn’t sure what that total would be.

We used the base ten set to work out what was half of 100.

He then added up the total of his base ten to find the total weight of his giant egg.

Finn was happy playing with the balance scales, with a chocolate he’d named. “Buggy Bug Bug’.

Ioan tried to get the scales to balance, using a process of trial and error.

He used the vocabulary, heavier and lighter, to describe what was happening on the balance scales.

Ioan decided to swap the weights on the right hand side of his scales for some more chocolates, to try and get those to balance instead.

Finn went backwards and forwards trying to get the two sides to balance, adding to one side and taking away from the other.

Peter Rabbit helped them measure some more eggs, even he found it tricky!

DfES Outcomes for EYFS and National Curriculum (2013)

Numeracy Year 1 programme of study

Number – measurements

  • compare, describe and solve practical problems for mass/weight [for example, heavy/light, heavier than, lighter than]
  • measure and begin to record the mass/weight

Number – fractions

  • recognise, find and name a half as one of two equal parts of a quantity