Cian (4) has been asking to read his own books for a while, so he took his request to Finny (7), who was delighted to set this up for him.

Is it Nat?

Is it a pin? It is Nat.
Once Cici had read the page, he then had to find the words and letters in the box of pasta. Finny had given him some large tweezers to make this harder.
Cian then set the sentences out on the magnetic board. I reminded him to leave a finger space between each word.

Finny had made some of the words out of Lego, so Cics had to find the corresponding piece for each sentence.

Is it a pan? It is Nat.

Is it a tap?

It is Nat. Is it a tin? It. is Nat.

Writing ‘pin’
Finny’s next idea was for Cian to have a go writing some of the words from the book.

pan, tap and tin

Cics then read the very last page of the book to me. He spotted he could make ‘it’ and ‘is’ with the stars too.
He wanted to set each of the words out with the book. In true Cici fashion, the picture for each word became more detailed as time went on.

pat, sat, sit, nap
Cics finished off by seeing what other words he could make. He was keen to show me that he can make the words without sounding them out, but I reminded him that it’s always good to practise the sounding out.

pant and pants

past and pasta
Cian made the word ‘past’, then excitedly made a label for the pasta, spelling it phonetically as ‘past-r’.

DfES Early Learning Goals (2017)
ELG 09 – Reading:
Children read and understand simple sentences. They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. They also read some common irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read.
ELG 10 – Writing:
Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.