The song bag is another staple that is going strong third time around. I keep it on a high shelf, so it is always a novelty when it comes down. At 7 months, Cian loves hearing nursery rhymes, just as much as his big brothers love singing them to him.
Nursery rhymes, are a brilliant way to connect with young babies. As newborns, I would lie next to the boys on the floor, or sit them facing me on my lap. They enjoyed the eye contact and even from a very early age would react to the songs.
Singing nursery rhymes lays foundations for language development. It always encourages babbling in Cian, and he giggles anticipating his favourite part of songs.
Number and counting songs are perfect for early exposure to numbers, as well as the associated finger actions for each number. Singing along to the songs, young children can count forwards and backwards in a fun and memorable way.
Ioan and Finn, now enjoy teaching Cian the songs… Spot the song Finn can’t sing quietly!
- Song bag
- Weather book: “What kind of day is it, what kind of weather?”
- Boat: “Row, row, row your boat”
- Teddy: “Teddies everywhere”
- Peter Rabbit: “Little Peter Rabbit”
- Humpty Dumpty: “Humpty Dumpty”
- Dog: “B.I.N.G.O.” and “How much is that doggy in the window?”
- Rocket: “Zoom, zoom, zoom!”
- Worm: “There’s a worm at the bottom of the garden”
- Cow: “Hey diddle diddle”
- Farm animals: “Old Macdonald”
- House: “This is my little house”
- Frog: “5 little speckled frogs” and “Mmm mmm went the little green frog”
- Candle: “Candle mass”
- Elephant: “Nellie the elephant”
- Turtle: “I know a little turtle”
- Ball: “Roll the ball”
- Rainbow: “Sing a rainbow”
- Star: “Twinkle, twinkle, little star”
- Fish: “1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Once I caught a fish alive”
- Monkeys: “8 little monkeys”
- Egg: “Here is a nest, with eggs inside”
- Cars: “Driving in the car with the seatbelts on” and “How does a motorcar go?”
- Tractor: “Bouncing up and down on a big, green tractor”
- Farmers: “The farmer’s in the den”
- Sheep: “Baa, baa, black sheep”
- Gingerbread Man: “Run, run, as fast as you can”
- Mouse: “Hickory dickory dock”
- Little Miss Muffet: “Little Miss Muffet”
- Spider: “Incey Wincey Spider”
- Alien: “3 little men in a flying saucer”
- Ducks: “5 little ducks”
8 little monkeys…
5 little ducks…
Driving in the car with the seatbelts on…
3 little men in a flying saucer..
5 little speckled frogs…
Twinkle, twinkle…
Hickory dickory dock…
Run, run, as fast as you can…
Zoom, zoom, zoom…
I’ve always sung to the boys. Even when Ioan was a newborn in SCBU, I sang to him in his incubator. Then when he was well enough to hold, I would sing to him nestled in to my chest. Singing seemed to calm him, so we’ve always had a house full of singing. This song bag provides visual prompts for the boys to lead the singing.
DfES Outcomes for EYFS (2013)
Communication and language
Listening and attention (Birth to 11 months)
• Turns towards a familiar sound then locates range of sounds with accuracy.
• Listens to, distinguishes and responds to intonations and sounds of voices.
• Reacts in interaction with others by smiling, looking and moving.
• Quietens or alerts to the sound of speech.
Speaking (Birth to 11 months)
• Makes own sounds in response when talked to by familiar adults.
• Practises and gradually develops speech sounds (babbling) to communicate with adults; says sounds like ‘baba, nono, gogo’.
Speaking (Birth to 11 months)
• Makes own sounds in response when talked to by familiar adults.
• Practises and gradually develops speech sounds (babbling) to communicate with adults; says sounds like ‘baba, nono, gogo’.
Physical development
Moving and handling (Birth to 11 months)
• Turns head in response to sounds and sights.
• Gradually develops ability to hold up own head.
• Makes movements with arms and legs which gradually become more controlled.
• Rolls over from front to back, from back to front.
• When lying on tummy becomes able to lift first head and then chest, supporting self with forearms and then straight arms.
- Watches and explores hands and feet, e.g. when lying on back lifts legs into vertical position and grasps feet.
• Reaches out for, touches and begins to hold objects.
• Explores objects with mouth, often picking up an object and holding it to the mouth.
Personal, social and emotional development
Self-confidence and self-awareness (Birth to 11 months)
• Laughs and gurgles, e.g. shows pleasure at being tickled and other physical interactions.
• Uses voice, gesture, eye contact and facial expression to make contact with people and keep their attention.
Managing feelings and behaviour (Birth to 11 months)
- Shows a range of emotions such as pleasure, fear and excitement.
Making relationships (Birth to 11 months)
• Enjoys the company of others and seeks contact with others from birth.
• Responds when talked to, for example, moves arms and legs, changes facial expression, moves body and makes mouth movements.
• Recognises and is most responsive to main carer’s voice: face brightens, activity increases when familiar carer appears.